Honda From Normal Supply

Honda From Normal Supply

Honda's current production levels to normal. Therefore, Honda followed up by increasing supplies to its dealers. Currently demand for Honda products such as: Honda Jazz, Honda CR-V and Honda Freed is quite high.

All three products are being produced in the factory Honda in Indonesia Karawang after component supply was disrupted due to floods in Thailand began to return to normal. Nevertheless, until last March Honda still can not meet consumer demand for the sedan models are imported directly from Thailand.

Jonfis Fandy, Marketing & aftersales Service Director of PT Honda Prospect Motor said, "The demand for Honda products to date, with a production that we have to improve, we will focus to immediately meet the demand of consumers who have booked Honda products. We will also continue to increase the availability of Honda products at dealer that Honda sales in the coming months could be improved. "

In March 2012, Honda recorded total sales of 4686 units, increased significantly compared to 1904 units sold in the previous month. In total, Honda products have sold over 8143 units during the first quarter of 2012.

Honda Jazz became the biggest selling advocates among other Honda products in the month of March 2012, with sales of 2354 units. During the first quarter of 2012, the Honda Jazz sold 2760 units and a market share of 21% segment hatchback.

In addition to Honda Jazz, New Honda Freed also provide sizable sales figures for 1379 units. Thus, the New Honda Freed has sold over 4298 units during the first quarter of 2012 and a market share of 12% MPV.

In the SUV segment, Honda CR-V had sold 802 units in March, an increase from the previous month only sold 2 units. During the year 2012, the Honda CR-V has sold more than 874 units, with a market share of 8% SUV class.

Meanwhile, the premium MPV Honda All New Honda Odyssey successfully sold 151 units in March 2012, an increase compared to the previous month which sold 60 units. Thus, the All New Honda Odyssey has sold 211 units during the year 2012.


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