Honda Blade, Setting Fuel Blend

Honda Blade, Setting Fuel Blend

Regulation one make fuel use in the event Pertamax Plus Honda Racing Championship (HRC) in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, do not make mechanical overwhelmed. Moreover, fuel Pertamax supported from Honda.

But, before the racing is quite difficult to find Pertamax Plus. Interestingly, the mechanic did not run out of ideas. They are still doing research, but the use of fuel blends.

"Because there is no Pertamax Plus here, for setting my machine pertamax mixed with benzene. The proportion is 70-30%, "says Ade Wiranata, original local tuner Banjarbaru of teams Trio Boss Racing Team (TBRT) who finished the Honda factory team for region 4.

According to Ade, this is one way to outsmart the unavailability mechanical Pertamax Plus in the region. If observed Research Octane Number (RON) or octane rating of 95 RON Pertamax Plus, while PERTAMAX only RON 92.

"The lack of some of the octane rating on PERTAMAX I got mixed with benzene RON 105," said mechanic born in Kudat, West Java, who researched his own motorcycle racing.

To adjust the ingredients Pertamax Plus, setting the motor must be reset. "I only play at lower compression ratio 12: 1, I'll be able lauched engine durability up to 15 laps on this circuit," explained Ade with redesigned piston dome.

Create compensate for lower compression, friendly mechanic is applying back 268 degrees for the duration of the valve and the ex split. The low duration, so that the response at lower rpm more aggressive. Unfortunately, Ade identifies reluctant to detail the size of opening and closing duration.

Further! Playing on the track that dominated the corner turn around, use a combination of the final gear 13/46 eyes. So, power down the motor to grasp the fullest. Moreover, typical aggressive Alfian bring the motor in the lower rounds.

Apparently, the setting is applied to the fuel blend Ade earlier, proved effectual. You see, Honda Blade Alfian R duck down in class 4-stroke 110 cc Seeded Tune ups can be bolted away leaving his opponent. Racer and even then stand on the highest podium. (


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