Video Honda IMA Green Through Technology

Video Honda IMA Green Through Technology

[Video] Honda: Ramah lingkungan lewat teknologi IMAIf only the exhaust tip is in front of the car, of course people will realize how much pollution is generated car very disturbing. Sometimes we do forget and more fun to talk about the exhaust from speeding car in front of without realizing the car we also contribute to environmental pollution.

Cars and pollution as inseparable. So even with the level of environmental pollution in the country are almost mostly caused by vehicles. Especially in large cities that have a high level of mobility vehicles.

Well, to find out how far the steps automakers prepare environment friendly product, let us see what has been done automakers, one Honda, through its Integrated Motor Assist (IMA), which have acknowledged the Ministry of Science and Discovery UK as environmentally friendly engines.

Technically, IMA engine works utilizing a gasoline engine and an electric generator. Both engines drive triggers can work in turns depends condition. As I drove early, moving cars use gasoline engines. The movement of the car and then methodically spur generators to produce electricity.

Since moving first, the role of the gasoline engine can be directly replaced by electricity. This has been done despite the car stops. Amazingly, when through the descent, generators are given the opportunity to add electric power to the 12 volt battery. This method works simultaneously and continuously.

Honda's first try at the Honda Insight IMA engine. Honda claims that its product is generating the low levels of carbon monoxide. Through this system, it is reasonable fuel efficient Honda says its product and still have a performance car like a conventional engine.


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