Honda Find Another Solution, Than Just Thinking Shakes

Honda Find Another Solution, Than Just Thinking Shakes

Excessive vibration problems experienced by Repsol Honda team riders since the beginning of the 2012 season takes place making, making both drivers are Dani Pedrosa and Casey Stoner could not perform optimally in each series. Although Dani Pedrosa himself had used motorcycle prototype Honda RC213V 2013, but the symptoms still felt pretty annoying vibration.

Do not want to stuck with the problem, Honda began to shift their focus to make the bike better. That is to bring new components to the official MotoGP test session at Motorland Aragon Circuit on a two-day test session (5-6/9) that starts tomorrow. Unfortunately there is no official confirmation of the new components.

Redirects the focus to find the best solution to make the motor so much faster, so the best move would be done by the Repsol Honda team. Because if they continue to search for solutions to problems that do not go away shakes it, then they can be left to do the up grade on the other components.

After all, if the performance can ride with a new component, it could also be the best solution to reduce the excessive vibration that would not go away. If the two-day test session at Aragon, components proven to make the motor to be more competitive, it is likely that Dani Pedrosa will use it in the San Marino MotoGP series later. (


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