Honda Miimo: Robotic Lawn Mower

Honda Miimo: Robotic Lawn Mower

pemotongrumput honda miimo  460x306 Honda Miimo: Pemotong Rumput RobotikYou need a lawn mower that can save you money and time? Try Honda Miimo.

Honda Miimo, robotic lawn mowers, introduced by Honda Motor Europe. This is the first commercial robotic products for household use.

Honda Miimo a solution to beautify the park grass clippings. The device is very labor and time-saving, one only need to be installed with a minimum of human interaction when working, to ensure a beautiful lawn is cut, every day.

Honda Miimo cut little and often. Usually only 2-3mm cut grass at a time, several times each week. Cut in a random pattern, reducing pressure on the grass, offering more healthy grass growth, reduce moss and thatch.

Unlike traditional lawn mowers, Honda sdengan Miimo You do not have to collect the pieces. Miimo produce very small pieces to be spread into the root system of the grass, which acts as a natural fertilizer to improve the health and quality of grass.

Miimo surfing in the park through a combination of intelligent controls, self-timer (timer) and real-time sensor. Miimo work with wired boundary, installed below ground or in the grass around the garden. Honda Miimo detect electronic signals on the cable and keep working on it, ensuring a high level of security and accuracy. Powered by lithium-ion batteries, which charge themselves, when the energy level down and then recharged need Miimo will go charging stations.

Interestingly, Honda Miimo have a fan installed in the blade holder, which generate airflow. Fans are effectively 'suck' the knife toward the grass.

At launch, Honda Miimo available in two models, 300 and 500. Each offers a maximum cutting 300m and 500m. Honda Miimo 500 will cut up to 3,000 square feet, about half the size of a football field, making it suitable for a variety of gardens.

Miimo Honda will be manufactured by Honda France Manufacturing in Orlean. Miimo will be available at authorized Honda dealers in the UK and Europe in early 2013.


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